What is Micro stock?
What is Micro stock? What is micro stock? In the industry of selling licenses for the use of pictures in advertising, magazines etc., known as “stock ...
What is Macrostock? How is it different from Microstock?
What is Macrostock? Micro stock and Macro stock What is macrostock? In the industry of selling licenses for the use of pictures in advertising, ...
Crazy week for www.arcurs.com
Update. (old post). You will find this post much more interesting. Recipe for cutting your blog’s traffic in half in a week: Step One: Malware ...
New tool – projected monthly income calculator
(This post is for the professional stock photographer) New tool! Projected Monthly Income Calculator I’ve created a very neat new tool to share with you. ...
Styling: Pure Hell or a place to “shine”.
Styling: Pure hell, or your secret weapon? Here goes another article about the more “in depth” considerations of a professional photographer. ...
Clash of the Titans – Canon 1Ds Mark III vs Nikon D3X for Stock
Canon vs. Nikon: Battle of the Titans I recently bought a new Nikon D3X and after playing with it I’m now ready to let you know how it stacks up against ...
I spy with my little eye
I spy with my little eye… How letting a little mess into your photos = sales Successful stock images are clean, conservative and simple…right? Well, ...
Branding… A cliché?
If you’ve been reading my blog you’ve heard me talk about branding before. Branding yourself is extremely important. Today I attribute10-15% of my ...
Stock buyers are geeks…are you?
Have you ever stopped to really think about who your buyers are? Well I have and guess what—they’re design geeks. Design geeks are a breed of their ...
Canstock = Comeback Kid
Remember Canstockphoto? If you answered no, I’m not terribly surprised. They’ve been on life support for the last two years and until recently ...
Non-exclusivity has its benefits
If you’ve ever wondered whether the smart money is on being exclusive or not, I have some interesting news. Turns out that the numbers are up up up on ...
Keeping it real. Research vs Guesstimation.
Guesstimation will get you 40-50 percent of the way if you are good! Doing research on what sells and shooting likewise is one of the reasons for my ...
Optimizing Photoshop CS4 Mac Performance for Digital Photography
How to optimize the new Photoshop CS4 and how it differs from CS3 regarding performance With the newly launched CS4 a lot of people are experiencing new ...
Down Day – Selling Nothing Today? Check the Down Day List
Check this list for days that are particularly bad for stock sales. If you are having a bad day, chances are that you are not alone. To find out how much ...